Pulled out the vinyl cutter and set it up in the studio. Vinyl cutting software still seems to be very much Windows only, so I’m trying out some new software that works on Mac OS. EasyCut Studio works with loads of cutters, especially my Creation Pcut CT 630. As Apple Mac is my main day to day computer it’s really important to have compatible software and EasyCut Studio has a seperate download for Windows and Mac. The install is a breeze, and it was up and running in minutes. There’s a cutter manager, to add your plotter. You can add multiple machines, if you own more than one, and they can be different brands and models too, just select your make and model from the drop down menu and press add, perfect!

I was just after a cutting app, but this is so much more. EasyCut Studio doesn’t just let me import Adobe Illustrator files and cut them, I can create artwork directly in the application without the need a seperate design package, plus (as a bonus) I dont even have to outline the text before cutting! Not only does EasyCut have text and shape tools there is a fantastic library of shapes, signs and icons to quickly aid in your designs. For Illustrator fans EasyCut has a full pen tool with paths and bezier curves to create and edit your own custom shapes. EasyCut also features layers, making it easy to keep elements seperate, so you can really focus on specific elements in your design, and cut them individually with registration marks. This really helps with installation and application of the cut vinyl.
EasyCut Studio even has an Image Trace function, load a jpg, png, bmp or gif and you can turn those pixels into vectors. I can bring my own photos in and vectorise them adding to my designs. Image tracing is a must have tool, if you want to quickly get elements into you design without have to draw them yourself. I cant believe its included in here.
I dont need another piece of software to design first and as always, it’s the case when I create artwork, it’ll end up being needed else where, eg jpg for web or powerpoint presentation. With EasyCut I can export the artwork to use in other projects, not just vinyl cutting. All in all much, much more than I expected. A great piece of software, thats a ‘go to’ tool in my kit.